Can a Locksmith Program a Key Fob?

If you own a key fob, you know how frustrating it can be when it doesn’t work. You aren’t able to automatically start your car or open your doors with the press of a button. The good news is that you can get a replacement key fob or even an extra one if you would like, as well. You can count on Key Fob Replacement services to help you out. All you need to do is contact a Car Locksmith OKC and they will take care of it for you.

Getting a New Key Fob Replacement

Many people aren’t aware of this, but a Car Locksmith OKC can get you a replacement key fob. The auto locksmith can get you a new key fob, get it programmed for you, and do other tasks related to key fob services. If you have misplaced your key fob or your key fob no longer works, you should contact a car locksmith today. Professional car locksmiths know all about key fobs and how they work.

Having Your Key Fob Programmed

Not only can a Car Locksmith OKC get you a new key fob, but they can program it for you, as well. Professional car locksmiths have the experience needed to handle all types of key fobs, even the electric types. If you reach out to a car locksmith to have your key fob programmed, they can do this for you. They can even reprogram a key fob and take existing keys out of your car’s computer, so nobody can break-in. If you are looking to have your key fob programmed to amp up the security surrounding your vehicle, you should always leave this job to the professionals. Not only that, but you can even have a car locksmith come to where you are at to program your key fob. There are even emergency 24/7 services to get your key fob programmed.

Difficulty in Programming a Key Fob

It is important to realize that the difficulty in programming a key fob will vary based on the manufacturer and model of your vehicle. With this being said, unbranded, general key fobs are quite easy to get and program. There are some other key fobs that are more difficult to program. However, you don’t need to worry about this when you contact a Car Locksmith OKC. They have all the experience needed to handle your key fob issues.

Programming a Key Fob on Your Own

Many people will try to program a key fob on their own. However, every car has its own special programming method. In order to program the key fob on your own, you would need a remote that is blank and the correct instructions to program that specific key fob. Many people aren’t aware of the instructions needed to program a key fob. Another reason why people aren’t able to program their own key fobs is that some of them require special tools that most people can’t get their hands on. This is why it is best to leave programming key fobs up to the professionals.

Length of Time to Program a Key Fob

There is not just one exact length of time that it takes to program a key fob. When you are entrusting a Car Locksmith OKC to program your key fob, the time could vary. It depends on the type of key fob being used, along with the manufacturer and model of your vehicle. There are certain programming methods that take longer than others. With this being said, the average length of time that it takes to program a key fob is between 10 and 20 minutes. However, if you need other services such as Key Fob Replacement, deprogramming, or key cutting, it might take more time.

Programming a Key Fob with the Car

Another thing that many people don’t know is that they need to have their car present when the Car Locksmith OKC is programming their key fob. If the programming is going to work, the vehicle must be in close proximity to the key fob while it is being programmed. If you can’t get to the locksmith, that is no problem. The Car Locksmith OKC can come to your location to program your key fob.

During the process of programming the key fob, there will be little to no taking apart of your vehicle’s interior. At most, programming the key fob will require the Car Locksmith OKC to enter into your vehicle’s onboard diagnostic port. They might have to take a bit of paneling off the car. However, they will put the paneling back when they are finished.

The car locksmith will use their tools on the vehicle’s computer. If any current keys need to be invalidated, the car locksmith can do that at this time. Then, your new keys will be programmed.

If you have any specific questions about the key fob programming process, you can directly ask the Car Locksmith OKC any questions that might have. Every car locksmith has their own experience. They can talk to you about specific vehicle programs, key fob processing, and any other questions that you might have.


When it comes to using a key fob, everyone knows how much easier it can make things. You can unlock your doors with the push of a button. You can start your car up early, which is very beneficial, especially on colder days.

However, sometimes there are issues with key fobs. Yours might break or you might even lose your key fob. If either of these things happen, you might need to have a new key fob programmed. You might need to have the old key fob invalidated. If you need either of these services, you can call a Car Locksmith OKC and get a Key Fob Replacement, a key fob programmed, or even have one reprogrammed, as well. Contact a car locksmith to have them come work on your key fob today.